Friday, September 19, 2008

The Groeg assignment

This piece is scored as a theme for a FPS (first person shooter) game, you know these games where you have to kill kill kill people! Although they are not my cup of tea I imagined the following scenario:

You, as part of the Special Forces are called upon to defeat a terrorist cell that is based in the small village of Alkhan Yurt, Chechnya.
It is now 0346 hours, your ODA (Operational Detachment Alpha) whose specialty is counter-terrorism has just been deployed in the area and is in stealth mode. Visual contact with the terrorist cell has been established thanks to your NVGs (night vision goggles - do I have to explain everything to you? Gee ... ). A group of five heavily armed men are gathered around a campfire, dissimulated in a cornfield are what looks like eight old Al-Samoud II Iraqi missiles that have been modified to be truck-launched.
The lives of thousands of civilians are at stake. The adrenaline is pumping and your men are ready to go. You have to disable this cell. This is operation "Diving Mosquito" ordered by your old friend General Groeg who is back home waiting to kick your butt if this mission ever fails!

Feel free to comment on the music.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Please let me know of any issue with the mp3 player I am using. It works on both my Mac and XP machines but acts up from time to time. I wanted a simple solution for a flash player and that one was easy to integrate into the blog. However I am still looking for a better player, so any suggestion is welcome.
I am having a music-free weekend, this week was crazy.
See you soon for more music


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fushimi Castle [30s]

A thirty seconds clip that I first started back in 2004. As I was cleaning up some old hard drives I found a sketch I had made with only the low voice chords and the percussion beat. So I scored it as I would for a tv commercial or a short presentation, adding some japanese flavor on top. Your comments are welcome as always.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lexington & 3rd

I was stuck in traffic the other night, trying to escape the city on one of the main avenues and get home. It had been raining all day and the temperature was more of a November evening than a summer night.
After twenty minutes -yes I am that patient- I decided to find a shortcut and save myself the horror of sitting in this monster traffic jam for another hour or so.
Finally, without really knowing my way, I ended up in a part of town I had never been before ... caught in traffic again! Except this time I was in a popular neighborhood where the streets were narrow and the sidewalks crowded. As I sat in my car I was watching people out on the street trying to stay dry, franctically getting in and out of stores, moms struggling with their strollers, some kids wearing raincoats having fun splashing each other, all in all I was given to see some simple scenes of the urban life .
Neon signs and city lights were all blurry because of the light rain on the car's windows. With the windshield wipers and motors providing a steady beat, I got a little introspective and all of a sudden, appeared this very simple melody ... Piano, just piano ... It had to be piano.

I finally got home and jot down the melody before I forgot it. So there it is.
... (of course the jazz lover in me had to add its grain of salt).

It's called "Lexington & 3rd" because you'd end up driving for hours (just like I did that night) if you tried to find that intersection in NYC, the capital of jazz. See how perfect that title fits? ;)
Please share your comments, take a break from the crazyness around us, hit play, close your eyes and tell me what this piece describes to you.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

La Girafe [excerpt]

Underscore that would work great for a scene from an animal documentary.
The mood is peaceful, innocent and serene. I am featuring the english horn as a lonely voice singing a melancholic melody while the harp plays a steady pattern. Other woodwinds such as a tenor flute and bassoon contribute to the noble character of this piece. Adding the ethnic, rooted tone is the marimba along with the hybrid percussion.
Feel free to post a comment, feedback is always welcome!